Disability Insurance
Acentria’s disability policies are designed to protect your income and keep your assets safe – even through an unexpected accident or diagnosis. Our short and long-term disability coverage options help ensure that you or your business remain financially stable.
One in five will experience a disabling illness or injury before they reach age 65
Approximately 37 million people across the United States are classified as disabled – and it’s estimated that one in eight workers will be disabled for over five years during their careers. Most Americans cannot afford to be out of work for an extended period, especially in conjunction with medical bills that often come with a serious illness or injury. By specializing in personal risk management, Acentria helps you prepare for the unexpected with our flexible disability policies.
Long-term disability coverage often lasts between two –10 years, while short-term disability insurance usually endures for about 10-26 weeks after the disabling event. Pregnancy, injury and illness are typically categorized as short-term disability events. Long-term disability may be used for an illness or injury that prevents you from working long-term, such as cancer. Both coverages provide income protection if you’re unable to work.
The purpose of short-term disability insurance coverage is to financially support the policyholder until he or she is well enough to return to work. You are likely eligible for short-term disability benefits if you have been professionally diagnosed with a medical condition that keeps you from working for a short period of time (weeks to months). This includes accidental injuries, debilitating illnesses, pregnancy and surgery rehabilitation. It’s important to note that short-term disability insurance coverage is not the same as worker’s compensation, which is typically provided to employees through employers.
Take the Next Step
Acentria offers customizable disability insurance coverage for both short and long-term needs. For more information about protecting yourself and your family against an unexpected disability, contact us for a complimentary analysis.
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