Thought Leadership

Debunking 5 Common Cybersecurity Myths
Also known as IT security, cybersecurity refers to the act of safeguarding internet-connected systems, critical data and other digital assets from potential cyberthreats—threats that may

Frostbite Treatment & Prevention: How to Stay Safe in Freezing Temps
Being outside in cold temperatures can have an adverse effect on your health if you aren’t careful. Specifically, prolonged exposure to cold temperatures and low

How to Drive in Snow: Safe Driving Tips for Slippery Roads
Driving in winter conditions requires extra caution and preparation. Winter weather can present many driving headaches for drivers, including slick roadways. Most skids can be

Avoiding Common Personal Insurance Coverage Gaps
Insurance plays a crucial role in your life’s financial security and stability. The various policies and coverages that make up your insurance portfolio can potentially

Calculating Life Insurance Premiums
Life insurance premiums are calculated after looking at an individual’s health risk factors, such as tobacco use, cholesterol level, obesity, diabetes and family history of

Equine Insurance: What You Need to Know
Owning horses can be rewarding, but it can also present liability exposures. For instance, if your horse gets loose in the road and causes an

Beach House Maintenance: Preventive Tips for Coastal Properties
Coastal properties face unique challenges due to their proximity to the sea. Significant environmental challenges, such as harsh weather conditions and saltwater corrosion, can impact

Factors That Affect Small Business Insurance Costs
Regardless of industry, small businesses encounter a variety of risks in their everyday operations. These exposures can lead to significant financial losses, making it crucial

Differences Between Traditional and Cyber Business Interruption Policies
When organizations face large-scale disasters or other unexpected losses, ensuring business continuity is often a top priority. Yet, various losses may make it challenging for

5 Things to Consider During Medicare Enrollment
As individuals approach the age of 65 or qualify for Medicare due to certain disabilities, navigating the complexities of health care coverage becomes crucial. Medicare—the

Know Your Insurance: What are Coverage Exclusions?
Insurance is designed to help pay for losses you experience. For example, homeowners insurance may help pay for a broken window after a storm; auto

EV Charging Safety: Managing Electric Vehicle Risks in Parking Structures
The popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) has been steadily increasing as consumers and the automotive industry move away from standard internal combustion engines. With this