Thought Leadership

Back to School Insurance Tips for Families
Summer will soon be behind us, and before we know it, kids will return to their regular school routines for the year. Whether you have

Strategies for Identifying and Resolving Gaps in a Benefits Package
In today’s competitive employment landscape, many organizations recognize that employees are their most valuable asset. To attract and retain top talent, employers must go beyond

Hurricane Preparation and Safety Tips for Businesses
Fast Facts According to the Congressional Budget Office, hurricane and tropical storm damages account for approximately $9 billion in losses to commercial businesses each year.

Surviving the Summer Heat
Summer is an exciting time of the year that is typically filled with cookouts, outdoor activities and other events. However, the summer heat can be

Home Safety: Keeping Your Home Protected During Vacation
When you and your family are preparing to leave for a vacation, it’s easy to overlook basic home safety precautions. After all, there are a

Hurricane Season 2023 is Around the Corner: Prepare With Flood, Home, and Boat Insurance
The National Hurricane Center (NHC) will begin issuing regular Tropical Weather Outlooks on May 15, 2023 approximately two weeks prior to the start of hurricane

Insuring Solar Panels: Exploring Your Options and Knowing the Risks
Before taxes, an installed rooftop solar energy system can cost anywhere between $15,000 and $25,000, according to the Center for Sustainable Energy. Paying to replace

Navigating Commercial and Homeowners’ Rising Insurance Premiums in 2023
Why Are Property Insurance Premiums Increasing? Most people can expect their insurance premiums to go up this year. Several factors are behind the rising insurance

Home Modifications for Seniors
Wellderly Week is observed in the U.S. on the third week of March. We should celebrate our elders every day of the year but it’s

Termites: Are You Sharing Your Home With an Unwanted House Guest?
Every homeowner’s worst nightmare, unwanted guests! Silent, tiny and incredibly sneaky, termites build colonies 24/7 and lose no sleep or sweat over it. Homeowners insurance

Valentine’s Day is on National Donor Day
Valentine’s Day has a new meaning when you need an organ transplant to survive. 120,000 Americans currently waiting for precious organ transplants depend on the

Reducing Your Stress During American Heart Month
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. In fact, half